Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pinky's Fandance Redux - David Spade

We all know my love for David Spade is deep and true. I don't know what it is - his humor kills me and therefore makes me wildly attracted to him. Sue me. While I'm thrilled to have had multiple run-ins with him (even one where I may or may not have confessed my love to him...FAIL), I just wish he'd stop making stupid faces in the pictures. Doesn't he know I love his smile and his handsome face? And, no, he's not saying "Stop" in the picture, he's saying hi. Trust me, he was saying hi. Sorry he got bored in the middle of this picture. What was so interesting to the side of me? Oh, well. At least I was finally able to get this amazeballs picture that McH sent me signed. LOVE it!
I'm stoked my sister could finally meet him along with me - sadly, he was still making a stupid face, which is weird because he's actually super nice. Silly boy.

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