Wednesday, August 31, 2011

An Open Letter to Old Navy

Dear Old Navy, To begin with, I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for finally getting rid of those ridiculous and annoying Mannequins. They were the worst and I hated them. That being said, while I appreciate you turning to music for your commercials, I don't quite understand the need to take catchy '80s tunes and turn them into cheesy, horrible shells of their former selves. Did Debbie Gibson really sign off on you changing "Only in my Dreams" to "Only in my Jeans?" Did Duran Duran really allow you to sing "Girls on Film?" Inquiring minds want to know. Last night's crucifixion of another beloved song was the last straw. Please make it stop. It's bad enough you run these atrocities every two seconds; at least make them something worth watching. Thank you very much. Now, knock it off. Sincerely, Pinky Lovejoy

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