Monday, August 8, 2011

Not a Good Start

I'd like to tell you that I jumped out of bed this morning happy and rested and ready to tackle the week. Unfortunately, the truth is that I stumbled out of bed to a barking dog who, after multiple failed attempts to get him to stop barking, I then told to, "Get away from me, we're not friends" (not my proudest moment). Poor puppy. Once I got to work, I was feeling fairly inspired as I've been working on this project that I'm super excited about - I don't want to go into too much detail, but it's a documentary I'm trying to make. This weekend I was able to locate a few of the subjects I'd like to interview and I was super stoked about one of them writing me back. Sadly, today, she wrote again and turned me down. And I guess it was a long shot to begin with, but honestly, when I thought up this idea long ago, it never even occurred to me that anyone would say no. Call me naive, call me an eternal optimist, but I thought the challenge would be in tracking the subjects down, not in convincing them to do it. So, now I'm crying at my desk like a big ol' softie.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I pulled a major muscle in my neck this morning. Gah! This cannot possibly be a good omen for the week ahead. Kill me now.

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