Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's a Miracle!

Ladies and gentlemen, yesterday the unthinkable happened. That's right, a miracle occurred that was so magical, I was struck dumb by its magnificence. It was as if Noah himself parted the sea of traffic and let me through....for I got home in UNDER an hour!!!! I didn't hit one smidge of traffice the ENTIRE way home. I couldn't believe it! Never in my time here have I seen that. I've seen light days, sure, but there's always a slowdown somewhere. Nope, not yesterday. Not only did I have clear sailing, but I was able to pick up dinner and hit the post office and still got home earlier than normal. In fact, I'd even walked the dog by the time my favorite part of Family Feud came on (which is Fast Money, in case you were wondering. I like to watch how stupid people are when answering the easiest questions in the world). It was a joyous occasion...one which will most likely never be duplicated again. Sigh.

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