Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Heart Nick Rhodes

Yesterday after a delish lunch with Lindsay from (thanks for coming up!), she told me about a site called where you can buy custom items. Of course I did a quick little search for Duran Duran (specifically Nick Rhodes) and found the most amazing things:This magnet is a little hard to read, but it says, "I don't suffer from an addiction to Nick Rhodes - I enjoy every second of it!" I couldn't have said it better myself. :) This shirt is cute, but the Nick part is a little vague (especially considering that AFMF's real name *might* be the same as on the shirt).
See, this is more like it. I NEED this for my car!
Same thing here as the one before...I need Nick's last name on it!A-ha! The PERFECT shirt! Plus, you can even make it into a sweatshirt (which I would wear EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. rain or shine). Now, what can I sell in order to afford this amazing shirt and sweatshirt? Must. Have. Now.
After I save up for the shirt, I *might* need to get this amazing purse, as well! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Oh, and on a related note, did you know that if you type "I love Nick Rhodes" into Google and do an image search, yours truly comes up on the first two pages (not that I would EVER type "I love Nick Rhodes" into Google just to see what would happen....OK, I totally would)?!?! Yes, I know. I'm awesome. Also, destined for Nick (why doesn't he realize this yet?!!?).

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