Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Flex-all Is My New Best Friend

If you're wondering what that smell is, I'm afraid it's me. Yes, it's true - for the next few days I'll be smelling like a 100-year-old man trying to soothe his aching joints as I've somehow pulled my lower back moving a shelf around. You might recall that yesterday I thought I'd pulled something in my neck, which I did, but I was so focused on treating my neck injury that I failed to notice my lower back had undergone some sort of tragedy. However, when I woke up in the middle of the night and tried to walk, I was greeted with the worst pain on earth. Ugh.
The irony is that last night we were watching a show wherein someone hurt their back. I remember thinking smugly to myself that it'd been forever since I'd thrown out my back. Isn't it funny when you're dealing with a sore back nothing else matters, but when you're pain-free, you forget just how awful the pain is? Perhaps that applies to more things than back-aches, but I digress. I'm seriously hurting. The hot water in the shower this morning did not take it away, nor did half a bottle of Flex-all (which apparently expired in 1999- WHAT?!?! 1999?? Seriously?!?! What do I have anything still in my cupboard that was made in 1997? Ridiculous. Oh, don't get me wrong - I'm still putting it on all day long despite the expiration date from a DECADE ago. Still works, right? Well, it still smells anyway. Not sure if it's actually working, but in my mind it is and that's good enough for me). If anyone has an influx of pain medication they'd like to float my way, I'll be forever grateful. Until then, I'll be scooting down the hallway, holding my breath, cursing my aching back. In other words, acting my age.

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