Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Facebook Snubs?

Here's what I don't understand: I finally found a long lost friend on Facebook who I've been wanting to reconnect with FOREVER and subsequently sent them a Friend Request. Now, in case you're unfamiliar with the system, once you have a "pending friend request" with someone, their information comes up in your News Feed, so you can see their updates and whenever they become friends with someone. So, here I am patiently waiting for them to confirm my Friend Request which, unfortunately, never happens. Mind you, they don't reject it, but they also don't confirm it. Meanwhile, they confirm friendships with approximately 462 other people, just not me. And all of those 462 friendships are shown in my News Feed as a little "f you, loser" every day. Fail. I currently have three different situations like that going on - and these are three people who were once really important in my life and I'm STOKED to get in contact with them. Do they hate me? Do they remember me? Are they doing this on purpose? Do I cancel the request and re-send? Do I send them a note? Oh, wait. I already did. Still, nothing.Conversely, I've had other similar situations wherein they accepted the Friend Request, but never answered my email back or chose to speak with me. So, sure, we're friends, but I want to hear what's going on with them, not just be linked up. Sheesh, I'm just not happy with anything!I know, I know, it's only Facebook, right? Not real life. Why do I even care? It's just been bothering me to see all these friendships while my poor little Friend Request sits out there in limbo....sigh...

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