Thursday, August 11, 2011

Duran Duran, I'm Coming for You

It's official: I'm attending not one, not two, but THREE Duran Duran shows at the end of next month. One in LA, one in Las Vegas, and, finally, one in San Diego! Could I be more excited?!!? I think not. I found this online when I was searching for Duranie stuff. How did I not make this scrapbook myself? It's totally my same story (although if this girl wants to fight for my Nick, it is ON. Girlfriend better back off. He's mine, as everyone already knows. Hello).
Awww. My boys are so freaking cute.
My goodness. Was Nick channeling Andy Warhol here or what?
Who's in love? Oh, right. Me. *sigh.* *swoon*

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