Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Christmas Came Early!!!

Hurray! Despite having to cancel a majority of their European summer tour due to Simon LeBon's vocal chords, my beloved Duran Duran just announced some US tour dates starting as early as NEXT MONTH!!!! You know what this means, right? NICK RHODES WILL BE IN LA!!!!
Did you hear me? NICK RHODES WILL BE BACK IN LA!!!
Wahoo! I can't stop smiling - I'm SO excited! Sure, I've already seen them perform a million times this year already, but no matter. You better believe as soon as those tickets go on sale I'm going to be the first in line.I'm even more excited because up until today they only had one date scheduled in California for the remainder of the year and it was way up north (and sold out). I've been pondering going anyway just to get my DD fix, but now I don't need to because Nick is coming to me.
It must be all those positive vibes and energy I'm sending his way (a la The Secret...I'm willing him into my life. Hey, it could happen. Stop laughing). Too bad I couldn't bring Sammy Rhodes to the concert so he could meet Nick...that would rule! :)

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