Thursday, August 11, 2011

Celebrity Wrap Up - Saturday Edition

Hello and welcome to Saturday's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up. What's this? Putting Hottie McHot Zac as the lead-in Wrap Up pic two days in a row? Yes, yes, I am. Come on, he's in a tank top. How could I resist?!?!
Amy, you can do so much better than this. Poor naked couch out there somewhere.
I know this sounds silly, but it's weird to see Robert Pattinson just buying groceries without all those freaking Twi-hard jumping him and sucking his blood. Those girls are nuts.
Wow. That's just WAY too much fringe. I think she needs a twelve-step fringe rehab after that atrocity.
Is she drunk? Why is she making that drunk face? And is she wearing some sort of sea urchin as a jacket?

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