Monday, August 8, 2011

Big Intentions = Big FAIL

Trust me, I had Big Plans for my weekend, I tell you. BIG PLANS. Huge. There were comedy shows to attend, road trips to take, movies to see. My days were going to be full from morning to night with exciting adventures. So, what did I actually end up doing? Nothing. Zilch. Zero. With the exception to our failed trip to the closed down restaurant, Sammy and I stayed extremely close to home. And by extremely close to home, I mean that it's a miracle we left the house at all - and except for his twice-daily walks and to venture out for a bite here and there - we were swallowed up by my bed or our new couch (my sister scored us a new couch from her neighbor - hooray!). Add to the mix that my phone reception now sucks at my house, so I wasn't really even on the phone. I was lounging about doing who knows what. Apparently my body needed the rest. Or, I was in an accident that I don't know about that left me in a partial coma. I suppose that's an option, as well.

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