Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sometimes You're the Bug....

You've heard that old saying, "Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug," right? Well, this week I'm definitely the bug. It's just one of those weeks where everything goes wrong - starting at Cafe Rio on Monday when they charged my card FIVE times (I paid cash after their system wouldn't process the card....and then it did way too many times). This morning instead of my lunch, I grabbed the dog treats. And my dog leash broke. And I got a new computer at work and lost everything. And....well, do I really need to go on?
The week's only half over and I'm in dire need of a nap. Or a break. Or just a hug. Something, anything, to make me smile. Seriously, no one likes Grumpy Pinky. NO ONE.

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