Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Shea Butter: WIN

As we've previously discussed, my feet are as dry as the Sahara desert. I don't know why this is, I just know they crack like the sand without water and it's hard for me to find anything to work. Recently I'd been using Crack Butter, which was good, but it ran out and I've been trying to get by without it. Bad mistake. Luckily, my dad had my best interest at heart (most likely after having to put Liquid Skin on the bottoms of my feet to try to help me be able to walk right before he left for Hawaii) and brought me back this miracle cure from his trip. Actually, it's from France, but he bought it in Hawaii and boy am I glad he did! It's 100% pure shea butter and I'm happy to report that I can now walk without problems! Wahoo! :) Thank goodness for his looking out because my feet were a sorry sight. Thanks, Dad! Now, if only my dog will stop trying to lick it off my feet.....

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