Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Separation Anxiety

I'm sad to report that my sweet little Sammy is having a hard time adjusting to my being back at work. Last night I came home to a disaster - apparently an empty house is a bit too much for his cute little self to handle. Normally my dad is home before me and can be with him at night if I'm not home yet, but since he's out of town, it was just Sammy on his own. I won't bore you with the details, but I've never seen such a mess before. Poor little thing. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with our walk the other day - he pulled the leash out of my hand and then went sprinting down the street trying to get away from the leash which was making too much noise dragging behind him. Obviously, the more he ran, the more upset he got because the leash was always there. He was going so fast that I couldn't catch him and I thought he was going to run into a car - I almost had a heart attack! Luckily a nice passerby was able to stop Sammy's sprint just in time. Ever since then, he's a bit jumpy and just not quite himself. Here's hoping my little guy will calm down soon. I hate knowing he's not OK.

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