Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pinky the Heartbreaker

So, I'll just get this out there right now: I'm terrible with break-ups. Not that anyone is necessarily good at them, but I just feel that I'm REALLY bad about them. I've always preferred to just annoy someone enough for them to end it instead of hurting someone's feelings. In other words, I'm a wuss. And, 12.
Mind you, I don't have a BF per se, but there's a guy I was seeing...and, long story short, I no longer wish to do so. This has apparently turned him into a crazy person because he's now asking me out approximately 57 times a day (slight exaggeration). I know I'm done, but he isn't getting the clue. I'm sure the responsible / mature thing would be to just tell him, but when have I ever been responsible OR mature? Plus, I'm saving myself for Nick Rhodes - doesn't the whole world know that already?!?!

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