Monday, July 25, 2011

Over the Mountains and Through the Woods...

So, hypothetically speaking, of course, let's say there was a boy I liked. And this certain boy lived about an hour and a half away. What would you say? Go ahead? Walk away? Too far? Because here's my thought: What's an hour and a half? It's pretty much what I drive home from work every day, so to me, this isn't a deal-breaker. To him (again, hypothetically, of course), I might as well live in Egypt. WTF?Now, I realize I'm far more open to driving long distances than most, but here's the thing: What's a few miles between friends? Obviously I'm not going to see him every day, but who wants that anyway? It just seems to me that the older one gets, the harder it is to find anyone to really jive with. When I was younger, the possibilities seemed endless, but the older I get, the fewer people I can even stand for small amounts of time, let alone long enough to get to know better. And this dumb boy I might actually like (again, hypothetically).
What to do, what to do....Nick Rhodes lives in London and I'd even be OK with that. Heck, if I were with Nick Rhodes, let's just say that I'd be willing to make all kinds of sacrifices. But, I digress. How did I get on that topic, anyway? Oh, right. Nick Rhodes. Duh. Is he ever far from my mind????
What do you think? Am I being silly? My dad seemed to side with the hypothetical dumb boy that we live too far away. Is it a boy thing? Am I just naive? Thoughts?

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