Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Origin of my Nick Love

I received an interesting question / comment from a loyal blog reader earlier today regarding my love for Nick Rhodes. Instead of answering her directly, I thought I'd shout the origin of my love for Nick from the rooftops.
Her question, specifically, was why Nick? Everyone already knows that I adore him (including Nick himself), but she wanted to know why. Good question.
The answer, of course, is hard to pinpoint. Why did I see his gorgeous face back in 1984 and instantly want to have his children? I guess the simple answer is...I don't know. Because he was my type. I love pretty boys.
I mean, look at him on his wedding day (or, as I like to call it, The Day My Heart Stopped Beating) - he's wearing pink velvet. Pink velvet! It doesn't matter that I was barely a teenager at the time, why didn't he wait for me??
Seriously, though, as the years have gone by, I've just been more and more drawn to him. Not just because I love to look at his beautiful face, but because he's intelligent, multi-talented, and a musical genius.
Plus, when I did some research on him to make his care package, I discovered we have tons in common - we both love flamingos, Scrabble, and Family Feud. Obviously we were made for each other, so I'm sitting here in California waiting for his call. It's going to happen, I just know it. Any day now. Any day. ;)

1 comment:

emmatess44 said...

Pinky! you answerd my question! thank you. That's very interesting, you see, I've known Nick my whole life and I never really looked at him in that way at all. He has always been important to me, he's very fatherly and safe to be around for a child. I've always seen him as some kind of hero...
And you live in california? me too!! We live in Santa Monica, for another year or so at least. Then back to england again XD
Thank you again, I'm really honored you wrote a whole bog entery for me. It was great to hear your story. I also have to agree, he is VERY attractive indeed!
If you ever wanna talk about somethink or anything, my email is
Stay cool Pinky!