Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How Many Engineers Does It Take?

As much as I love my new job, there's been one hitch: My desk is directly under the A/C vent and it blows on me all day long. I'm beyond freezing. Usually I can put on a jacket and suck it up, but today I just couldn't take it anymore. It's a bit hard to see, but this is the vent above my desk. The blue tape around the sides is the first attempt at keeping the air off me. Blue tape and cardboard. It failed. Next, it was cardboard and duct tape. Again, fail. Finally, another engineer tried several things until deciding on the stick holding the cardboard in place. Of course, I still think I'm going to find it on my head one of these days, but no matter. I'm temporarily out of the Arctic Tundra at work and it's glorious! :) I just had to laugh at how many people got together to try to fix the problem today. I'm surround by brainiac engineers who build huge parks and there's still cardboard falling from the ceiling.

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