Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fruit Flies Are My Enemy

Long-time readers of Thinking Pink might remember a time not-too-long ago when I similarly lost my freaking mind over the infestation of fruit flies in my house. I went crazy with the bug spray at the time - in fact, I'm fairly certain nearby pedestrians overheard me saying, "Go ahead, make my day" whilst holding said spray in my hand and blasting every remnant of any fruit fly within a ten mile radius. My house was so full of bug spray I had to sleep at AFMF's house. But I digress. Once again, our house is overrun with those dreaded fruit flies. That'll teach me not to buy fruit. Stupid, freaking flies. I've tried every trick, set every trap, and still, they remain. Taunting me, annoying me, buzzing about me like they belong there. SCRAM, I say!
I'm seriously about to hire one of those places that tent houses just to get rid of them. Do they still do those anymore?? I remember seeing a ton of houses "getting bugged" when I was growing up...not so much now. Freaking pests. I HATE YOU, FLIES!!!! Hear that? HATE you.

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