Thursday, July 28, 2011

Better Day

So, I forgot to tell you the worst thing about my computer change at work - the person in charge of switching out the equipment somehow knocked my Nick Rhodes frame off my desk and broke it. Fail! I came in to find my beloved trio of pics with Nick prominently displayed and found it broken on the ground. Bad mood activated on the spot!
Thankfully, the grumpies seem to have left me and I'm in a much better mood today. I think I just needed a few hours to relax - I got home late all week running errands on the way home and barely had a chance to think. If I get home at 7, I still try to get to bed around 9 (yes, I'm 102....but I also get up at 4:30 a.m. to walk Sammy before work) and before I sleep I have to figure out dinner, walk and feed Sammy, pick out my outfit for the next day and, well, you get the idea. Last night I got home early and got everything done early enough to watch a movie, download some songs on my iPod, and just chill.
Anyway, the important thing is that it's a much better day in Pink City, U.S.A. Hooray!

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