Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thank You * Thank You * Thank You

So, you might not know this, but my beloved pink Dell laptop has been giving me grief for quite some time. I don't know if I picked up some sort of virus, but I do know that doing much of anything on it is a total chore. I primarily use my iPad for just about everything because I get sick of all the pop ups bogging up my screen.
I've been toying with the idea of a new computer, but it seemed silly when mine is perfectly fine...well, except that I had no idea how to fix it.
Enter Lindsay's amazing hubby, Bret, to the rescue! Not only did he offer to help, but he logged on remotely to my laptop this morning and figured out my problem! Wahoo! I can't wait to have my computer back...Thank you, Bret!
Also fun today? This candid picture my friend Duggan took last night. I was so happy not to be working I could hardly contain myself! ;)

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