Monday, June 27, 2011

Take This Job and Shove It

In what should come as a surprise to, well, absolutely no one, I finally quit my awful, soul-crushing, no good, terrible, hideous job.
I held on for as long as I could, but in the end I just couldn't withstand quite that much negativity and criticism. No job is worth that.
So, I'm back to the drawing board - looking for work and hoping for the best.
I'm a little more encouraged than last time and have some exciting possibilities lined up. Plus, I'm not coming home each night wanting to cry myself to sleep. Win-win.
In the meantime, I'm available and anxious to work, so if you know someone interested in a hard-working, talented, motivated individual, please point them in my direction.
Quitting wasn't my first choice, as I realize I was lucky to find a permanent job, but it was necessary for my well-being and state of mind.
Now, the search is on for my perfect job - a complete mix of all that is shown above. I've got faith that it'll happen - you never know what's waiting just around the corner, right?

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