Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Reunion Recap - Part Seven

As a little something different than the traditional reunion recaps of late, I present some fun group photos taken the night before our actual reunion at a local bar.
Also, I thought I'd provide you with a few statistics:
Number of people to ask me if my celebrity pictures were real: One (and, seriously, why would I make myself look so terrible in pictures? And why would anyone photoshop that many pictures? Weird.)
Number of people to ask me to pose for a picture with them so they could "feel like a celebrity:" Approximately 438.*
Number of people to take me aside and say, "No, seriously, how do you get so many celebrity pictures?" as though it was the first time I'd ever been asked: 769.* My response, by the way, is always the same: "I ask them." *please note these numbers *may* have been slightly exaggerated.

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