Friday, June 10, 2011

Operation: Joel McHale

So, the other night at the LA Times panel, while I was super excited about seeing Sam Trammell, my cute friend Lindsay was over-the-top excited about meeting Joel McHale.
She even made a sign! Here she is holding it up as he was about to come out (it's hard to see, but Joel's in the doorway).
As you can see, her wish came true!
Oh, and the sign said, "I heart Joel McHale" (I think...either that or it said "I love you Joel McHale").
Also in attendance was the super cute Scotty...
And Lindsay's husband, Bret...
This is Linds testing out my smile recognition software on the new camera. It won't take the picture until you smile.
Here's Scotty testing out the smile mode...
And we also had Mikey (my apologies for the less-than-perfect shot of him here) and the adorable Annushika. Super fun night with all my favorite people!

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