Monday, June 13, 2011

Graduating Girl

Yesterday I attended the graduation party for my good friend Jenny's daughter, Ashlyn. Now, I've known Jen since we were in Junior High and was with her all the time when she was preggers (we even had the candlelight dinner for two at the hospital after Ashlyn was born), so I can hardly believe that little baby just graduated from high school!
Here are a few pics from the party. The girl to the left is Jenny and the girl to the right is Erin - another friend from very early on. In my arms, of course, is the adorable Sammy Rhodes. ;)
This is the graduate herself, Miss Ashlyn.
This is my friend Lori's oldest son. I haven't seen Lori forever, but her son was visiting the area and we thought it'd be fun to take a pic for her.
Last but certainly not least, this is Sharon - the dear friend who gave me my sweet little Sammy. We took a picture the night I picked Sammy up, so we were trying to recreate the moment. To my credit, she says I'm much more comfortable with him now than that first night when I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. ;)
Look how tiny he was! Awww....itty bitty Sammy.

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