Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Good with the Bad

Well, my big day of Three Great Things has encountered a few minor glitches: 1) The game show has postponed my shoot date. Blurgh. I'm hoping it'll be rescheduled soon. Also, when I met with the producer about my baggage, we could only find small baggage, nothing major. Now I need to figure out some major things wrong with me (that I'm comfortable talking about on national television). Hmmph. On the plus side: This was the first game show I've been selected for after auditioning for several, so that's exciting.
2) My new job is having trouble finding a computer and workstation for me to work from, so my start date has been moved from July 5th to the 11th. Blurgh. On the plus side: I got a great job with an amazing company (which I'd share the name of, but for now let's wait) and I'm SO excited to work there. I just have some extra time to teach myself Filemaker Pro which I wanted to learn anyway. All good things, right? Here's to thinking positive in light of opposition. ;)

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