Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bonus Pics

The best part about our cool little group of friends is that we always try to have each other's back. If I know someone is super excited about someone, I'll try to take "back-up pics" just in case something doesn't work on their end.
Likewise, they do the same. Cute little Scotty sent me these awesome pics from our event with Sam Trammell last week. I think it's so adorable that Sam's sticking out his tongue here.
Here's Sam signing the picture my friend hooked me up with so I could get another autographed picture for my wall. Pretend I don't have fifty chins. Just look away.
This is so you can get a taste of the insanity that follows Sam around. This was only a small corner of people wanting his autograph (which makes it all the cooler that he personalized mine).
This picture is from a few days later when we were at the Aero theater waiting for Cameron Crowe.
Scotty was showing me his mad skills at taking his own pictures. Nice centering!
My fave boys - Scotty, Mikey, and Sammy. ;)

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