Thursday, June 9, 2011

Blankets for Sam Trammell

As you may recall, a few months back I finished making two adorable baby blankets for one of my faves, Sam Trammell, who's expecting twin boys with his long-time girlfriend, Missy Yager.
I thought they turned out great (not to brag...cough cough...) and I've been looking forward to seeing him again so I could give them to him.
Last night I had my chance as Sam was part of a panel discussion at an event downtown. I love this action shot of Sam getting out of the car and saying hello to me (if you look at the reflection in the car to the far left you can see where I am).
Here's Sam signing the new promo picture for me - love it! Now I can add on to my wall of faves.
The coloring is kinda bad here since I took the picture with my iPhone, but it's a beautiful picture. Plus, he personalized it to me! Wahoo!
Our latest picture together...too cute! He's seriously just SO nice. Like, unbelievably nice. His entire demeanor and kindness to his fans is one of the things I admire about him most. Well, aside from his acting, of course.
After the event, I asked him to pose with the blanket and he happily obliged. Too bad my new camera doesn't have its settings on correctly. Camera FAIL.
I only geeked out a little bit at the very end when I told Sam he seemed to be getting the hang of Twitter. After I said it, I wondered if I said too much - did that sound psycho? Like I cyber-stalk his Twitter feed? Because I only do that maybe six or seven times a day (TOTALLY JOKING, BTW!!! Sheesh....) And, let's be honest, sometimes I say some really stupid things to celebrities.
Luckily I may be in the clear, since he tweeted this awesome thank you to me last night! I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. ;) That totally means we're like BFFs now, right? Ha!


  1. I know, I'm kicking myself that I didn't bring him! I left for an audition directly from work and didn't have time to take him - plus, we were going to actually go into the panel which was in a movie theater and they wouldn't allow dogs. Since we never went in, I totally should've brought him. But, will introducing Sam to Sammy make me seem insane? That's the real question here.
