Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sammy's Big Adventure - Part Two

After the baseball game, Sammy and I made our way back to Hollywood for a movie premiere.
The premiere ended up being a bust, but all my fave people were there - including Shaunie who came to meet Sammy - so it ended up being a WIN. Here's Shaunie meeting Sammy.
Here's our group attempting a group picture. Mikey was a little bit distracted by Sammy.
And again, Mikey was loving on Sammy instead of posing.
Finally, a cute group shot! :)
Shaunie didn't want a double chin, so he made this silly face. Sammy was a bit tired after all the attention. After this, Shaunie and I went to The Counter to eat and Sammy was literally mobbed by just about every patron there. I've never seen anything like it! People were pulling out their cameras and taking pictures of him, holding him, petting him, posing with him. He was like a celebrity dog - it was unreal.
Our night ended at the wrap party for the tv show The Event, where I got to see one of my fave celebs (who just happens to be one of the nicest ones out there), Jason Ritter. When Jason first saw me, he said, "Pinky!" and hugged me - I had to warn him there was a dog right there. He said it was the cutest dog he'd ever seen. So true! Always great to see Jason. It was a long, long day and we were home well after midnight. Zzzzzzzz.

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