Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sammy's Big Adventure - Part One

Yesterday I took Sammy on his first big Hollywood adventure.
We started at a charity event for dogs first thing in the morning. We met up with Lindsay and her husband, Brett. The event itself was a bust, but we had a good time anyway and grabbed some lunch with Sammy.
Our next stop was at my brother Jay's place for my nephew's baseball game.
Owen was very excited to meet Sammy and asked if Sammy could come to his game. He then proceeded to play a great game with three big hits!
Ava wasn't a big dog lover at first - in fact, she's quite scared of dogs and initially wouldn't even stand on the ground if Sammy was there. Jay had to hold her. However, by the time we got to the field, she asked if she could pet the puppy.
This other little girl - the "dognapper," as we call her - asked to pet the dog and then took off with him. It was bizarre.
Here's Ava holding Sammy for the first time.
Getting comfortable with the dog.
This picture cracks me up.
And suddenly, she was a pro with the dog.
The puppy caused quite a stir with the kids at the game - Sammy was mobbed.
Here's Sammy right before the mobbing.
Petting attack!
Jay holding Sammy.
Owen brought down his toy, Roughie, to play along with the dog.
The kids playing with the dogs.
Apparently posing with a live animal is a bit distracting.
Well, it was a good try.
Sammy loved Roughie - maybe too much. :) Great to see them! And then we were off.... To be continued...

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