Sunday, May 1, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Molly Shannon

May I just say how perfect it is that Molly Shannon turned out to be Sammy's first celeb photo opp? You see, not only do I triple love her, (or, as Molly herself would say, " I love it, I love it, I love it!") but she also starred in a Sundance film a few years ago called Year of the Dog which is about a single girl getting a puppy.
I ran into Molly while having dinner with a friend tonight and she was awesome. Not only did she love Sammy (then again, who doesn't?), but she was super friendly and happy to pose for a picture. I've wanted to meet her for years, so I was SO excited to not only meet her, but to have a minute to talk with her about puppies. Thanks, Molly! You rule.

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