Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Night at the Improv

Before heading out to the evening's activities, my sister and I had to get a few pics with Sammy.
I'm not sure why he's being camera shy - he usually loves pictures.
There we go - much better.
So cute!
Our Cheesecake Factory dinner was a bit of a disaster in that traffic through the city delayed us quite a bit, but at least we were able to enjoy some cheesecake (and fried macaroni and cheese - have you had that? It's amazing).
I love how they wrote on the plate!
My sister made us all these pink flower clips for our hair to indicate we were a group - Julie and Kat weren't super stoked, but wore them anyway.
After our rushed dinner,we went to The Improv in Hollywood to see they hilarious Erin Foley. She was SO funny and super nice.
After the show, the girls headed home and my sister and I went out to do a little star gazing (read: stalking). Other than the mood at dinner, it was a fab night spent with some of my favorite people.

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