Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Rock Star Dog

So, Sammy was such a major hit tonight in Hollywood, I was asked to sign a talent release to allow a company to film him and take his pictures. It's true; he's a bit of a big deal. You wouldn't believe how many people ask to take their picture with him - he's like a mini-celeb in his own right. Someone even offered me $300 cash on the spot to take him right then...why are people trying to buy my dog? Sheesh!
Tenley from The Bachelor not only remembered me from Sundance, she completely fell in love with Sammy.
Both she and Kiptyn were taking turns posing with Sammy - it was the cutest thing ever.
In fact, she even tweeted about Sammy when she got home along with her own picture of Kiptyn and Sammy:
Our new group photo - um, next time someone needs to remind my frumpy ass not to stand next to Beauty One and Beauty Two. Hi, could I look more drab?
Our original picture from Sundance was a thousand times better!
I went to the event trying to meet Bachelor Jake (don't judge me), but his stuck-up self snuck out the back after I'd waited much longer than I care to admit. FAIL. Oh well, at least I was able to see Tenley and Kiptyn again - now those are good people! :)

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