Sunday, May 22, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2

As I mentioned earlier, I was busy at a premiere all day today.
You see, Sammy drug me out to Hollywood because, obviously, he really wanted to meet Brad Pitt.
Here we are camped out on Hollywood Blvd. WAY too early on a Sunday morning.
Sammy is very talented - he can even chill in my hood.
This is as close as I could get to Angelina....sigh...she did say she loved my dog, though (I'll refrain from sharing the oh-so-embarrassing way I responded to that...).
Likewise, we couldn't get much closer to Brad, but it was the very first time I'd ever seen either one of them in person. I'm not going to lie - I kinda lost my breath when I saw them. Don't judge me.
As an added bonus, I ran into my childhood BFF, Megan, as she was leaving the screening. What a small world! We hadn't seen each other in over ten years - I was stoked to see her! :)

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