Sunday, May 15, 2011

John Heffron Makes Me Happy

John Heffron might possibly be my absolute favorite comedian in the whole world (which says a lot considering how much I love stand-up comedy).
I've wanted to see him perform live ever since he won Last Comic Standing, but he never came to Utah when I was living there (despite how much I hoped and prayed that he would). Actually, since I've been back in Cali, I haven't seen a notice of a show here either....that is, until now.
Imagine my delight to discover he was performing in Brea this weekend. I wanted to go on my actual birthday, but the traffic going there on Friday night would've been insane. Yesterday, I found out he was performing there again last night and I got a free ticket, so score!
Seeing him perform was amazing. I laughed and laughed and even picked up an autographed copy of his DVD on the way out. I love him!

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