Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

I'd like to wish all you mothers out there a very special Mother's Day, but most importantly, I wanted to wish my mom an extra special day.
Why is my mom awesome, you ask? Because she started me off wearing pink at an early age.
Because she began socializing me very early with cool people like her parents and my cousin Netty.
Because she showed me, by example, the importance of friendship. Here we are at Disneyland with one of her best friends from high school.
Because she always encouraged me to express myself, even when it meant she had to go out in public with me having pink hair.
Because she's great grandma.
Because she knows the importance of a girl's day out.
Because she loves her family and always lets us know how much she cares.
Plain and simple, my mom is awesome for so many things. I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that she rules. Period. Even if she did enjoy telling us this when we were little:
I love you, Mom! Happy Mother's Day! :)

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