Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yes, that's correct, it's my birthday. I'm officially very, very old. Egads.
What do I have planned, you ask? Taking the day off work, doing lunch with my sis, a comedy club with the girls, and, finally, having dinner with my dad (at Outback - triple YUM!) on Saturday. Should be fun.
In honor of the big day, here's a look back at the ghosts of birthdays past. Here I am at the roller skating rink on my 7th birthday. Like the crown?
I have no idea how old I was, but no one seems to be smiling. Not even me. Were we just over it at this point?
Look at me - digging into the good stuff. Shameless.
Birthday girl in the pink? Sounds about right.
Why is my crown purple while the person next to me has a pink one? Fail. Interesting side note - the girl on the left closest to the front is my friend Sharon who hooked me up with Sammy. :)
Playing games at a party. I love my mom's outfit - she's sitting on the lawn to the left.
The backside of the short-haired girl in a hat? Yep, that's me, rocking the boy cut. I had to wear dresses so people stopped calling me a boy.
What's better than Happy Bunny on your birthday? Nothing.
Ah, one of many, many birthdays spent at Chuck E. Cheese. Please admire my pink flower barrette, my cool Superman shirt, and my pink corsage.
Obviously, my slumber party was off the chain. Like my Ogilve home perm? Don't be jealous. I'm fairly certain we'd just returned from toilet papering someone's house.
As you can see by my face, an apron was exactly what I wanted (cough cough). It's Friday the 13th...I'm 100...happy birthday to me. :)

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