Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dating and Other Disasters

The other night I had a date with a guy I used to see in Utah. We met at Sundance and spent a bit of time together a few years back (post-Triangle, pre-AFMF) until his job kept him away too long. He's now living in California, as well, and asked me out.
The funniest part about our date was the discussion about our recent relationships - and how he'd recently ended one. My response? "Oh, so this is just a rebound for you?" His reply? "You're not a rebound, you're re-activated." Um, is that like some sort of robot?
In other dating news, I received a visit from some guy in high school I barely remember who'd apparently had a bit of a crush on The Pink for the past twenty years. As I haven't heard from him since, I'm guessing "Date a cheerleader" was on his bucket list. Fail. So, yeah. Really I don't have any updates for you.

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