Monday, May 30, 2011

D-bags of the Day

Last night I had two less-than-stellar encounters with two seasoned celebs.
The first was Christopher Lloyd who is incredibly rude in person. Considering he's been around forever, I'd have hoped he'd have even an ounce of class.
Plus, since he always plays crazy people, one would think that in person he'd be nice. Sadly, no. Fail.
The second was Jeff Daniels, who completely surprised me. I always imagined he'd be super cool in person. Instead, when someone asks for a picture, he says, "No, but thank you for asking." Um, what?! How about just taking the freaking picture?! He's done this to me on several occasions now - each time I'm so shocked I can hardly speak.
I mean, come on. This is the guy who starred on Dumb and Dumber and famously took a big dump onscreen. One would think he'd realize he's not all that and a bag of chips. Fail times two.

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