James Gandolfini may play a lot of tough guys on TV, but in person he's a total softie.

I first met James at Sundance a few years ago and he was amused by my extremely bright ensemble. When I asked him for a picture, he said, "Sweetheart, in that outfit, you can get whatever you want."

Last night I had the opportunity to see him again and he fell completely in love with Sammy.

When we took our first picture together, Sammy was asleep in his bag. Someone yelled out, "Be careful of the puppy, Pinky!" James immediately was interested in where the puppy was and asked if he could take it out of the bag. Um, sure!

He then went on to hold and snuggle Sammy all down the block - even taking him over to show his son. James was so sweet with my puppy. It was hilarious to watch "Tony Soprano" be so cute with Sammy.

Since he came back to hold Sammy a second time, I thought we'd better get another picture together. Love it! ;)