Friday, April 8, 2011

Will Someone Please Hire Me So I Can Sleep?

Well, I fear my latest bout with insomnia did not end as quickly as I'd hoped. Sigh. I can't seem to turn off my brain at night and it's always trying to think of ways to get a job. Why did I never realize it'd be this hard? Everyone else seemed to know. Fail.

At any rate, there may be an end in least I'm headed in the right direction. Today I had two interviews (one of which I totally rocked, was then given a second interview, and then was asked back for a third one next week) and on Monday I've got the BIG interview, the interview to end all interviews (wow, good that I'm not building it up at all). I'm going to ask that you all kindly send me every good vibe you have my way so that I can remain calm, collected, and not say something idiotic during my interview. The company looks SO amazing - I spent half the night on their website and fell in love with the place (I also found three typos on the site...but I should probably keep that info to myself, right?). How else could I stand out? Perhaps this guy in the comic has the right idea?

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