Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why Does the Easter Bunny Always Look Terrifying?

My brother and sister-in-law posted some fun pics today after McH sent me an Easter shot of the kids, so of course I had to share. ;)
Apparently my niece, Ava, isn't a big fan of the Easter Bunny - smart girl. That thing is terrifying.
Speaking of terrifying, I can see why McI t appear to be stoked. I did enjoy McP's pink outfit, though. Nicely done.
Ava getting ready to color eggs.
Owen looked quite excited to color his egg.
The finished products!
I think a few little kids are thrilled for Easter...
Speaking of thrilled, Owen caught the game ball today! How fun. ;)
Little Miss Ava - future fashion model. Love the bright colors.

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