Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Stylish Blogger Award

It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I announce my humble little "Thinking Pink" blog has been nominated for a Stylish Blogger Award by Lindsay over at! When Lindsay emailed me to let me know about the nomination, I was SO excited! It couldn't have come at a better time. Thanks so much, Lindsay! You rock!
Of the nomination, she said,
"For Pinky's unabashed and non-discriminatory adoration of celebrities and for her dogged pursuit in tracking each and every one of them down to pose for a photograph. Pinky has DEFINITELY taught me a thing or two about stalking (who'd have thunk it?) and the girl is downright hilarious, to boot."
Per the rules of the award, I am supposed to: 1) Thank and link back to the blogger who tagged me with the award. 2) Share seven things about myself. 3) Award recently discovered great bloggers. 4) Contact the bloggers and inform them of their award. Well, here goes nothing...I now present to you seven things you may or may not have known about yours truly, Pinky Lovejoy:
1) I'm afraid of the dark, scared of monsters, and refuse to watch any horror movie of any kind because I'll have nightmares. When I was very little, my Uncle would jump out of the bushes and blame the Boogie Man (he still exists, right?). The one time I tried to watch a horror movie, my friend's sister ran into the room with red jello streaming down her face like blood and that was it for me. The only scary movie I watched in its entirety was Saturday the 14th which wasn't even a real horror movie, it was a spoof. Still, I watched about six times until I had nightmares about monsters. Never again.
2) A white VW Cabriolet was the dream car I longed for growing up (just like Cindy Mancini's car in Can't Buy Me Love). My parents surprised me with one when I turned 19 - it even had pink stripes - and I couldn't love anything more. I'm still sad I had to sell it in lieu of a more practical car when I moved out of state. I miss that car.
3) When I was little we had these sunk in bathtubs and my friends and I would intentionally overflow the tub and get water all over the floor so we could pretend we were ice skating. It was the highlight of our night.
4) I'm a messy person by nature. I wish I had the cleanliness gene, but it's lost on me. When my sister and I shared a room, her side was always perfect, and my side looked like it'd been hit by a tornado. This was my bedroom in high school - I'm afraid not much has changed.
5) My favorite candy in the whole world is a tie - either Big Cherry...
or gummy bears, depending on my mood. However, I only like the white gummy bears. The rest of the colors are chumps.
6) I've had the same close core of girlfriends since Junior High and High School. The picture above is from my 17th birthday when my super cute pink bug was filled with pink balloons.
This picture is from my bridal shower - weren't those glasses the best? I've shared recent pics of us; I wasn't sure I'd shown this pic before.
7) As much as I mock the fact that my mom dressed us alike when we were little, I love seeing pictures of me and my siblings in our matching gear. As we've gotten older and live in different places, I miss them so much and the closeness we once had. I love remembering when we all seemed to be on the same team (hence the matching uniforms). And now, I'd like to nominate the following blogs for the Stylish Blogger Award: For Mike's candid look at the world of fandom: the good, the bad, the exciting, and sometimes disappointing. In addition to his experiences, he shares outside reader's experiences and always delights in and encourages their stories. For Dan's ability to take even the most mundane activity (like a conversation with his mother) and turn into comic gold. He's unflinchingly honest, real, hysterical, and addicting. I love reading just about anything he has to say. For Heidi's ability to balance her recent heartbreak over the loss of her cat one day with her true love destiny bid to one day make James Franco her husband the next. For Brian's wrap ups on both Glee and The Bachelor - every time I read one, I find myself cracking up over his outrageous and hysterical insights. He's also got killer TV screenshots and great everyday stories about his life. Once again, thank you to Lindsay for the heartfelt nomination - I truly appreciate it. Thank you!


  1. Woot woot on the nomination!! VERY COOL! I'm an admitted stalker of your blog... I check it every faithfully morning. (it was an accidental find for me a while back) Your trip down "memory lane" was fun. I'm pretty sure I had the same hair-do at a few points in time! Ahhh the '80s...

  2. Congrats, Pinky! :) And OMG I had a white Cabriolet back in the day, too!!!! It was my dream car after seeing Mercedes drive one in License to Drive! :)
