Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Christopher Atkins

Can we just talk about how much I love Christopher Atkins? Specifically, Christopher Atkins playing the amazing role of Frederick in the campy classic musical extravaganza that is The Pirate Movie. I know we've discussed my true love and adoration for this film before, but now that I've met Christopher, my love is reignited. Plus, he signed my DVD!!! Look at him - he still looks like one fine piece of man candy. So nice and cute to boot. After his agent took this picture he said, "Now that's a good picture." I was like, "Um, Christopher Atkins is in it. What did you expect?" This was our first take. I kinda love that he's flipping his hair back to primp before we took the picture. Such a hot, sexy diva, no? :)

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