Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pinky's Fandance - Lily Tomlin

When I was growing up, Lily Tomlin was like a hero to me. A hilarious hero to be sure, but a hero nonetheless.

Not only did I love to listen to her records ("One ringy dingy, two ring dingies..."), but I must've watched The Incredible Shrinking Woman at least a dozen times.

Last night I had the amazing opportunity to meet the one and only, the legendary, the hysterical Lily Tomlin as she was hosting a play in Santa Monica. In person, she was SO nice. I'm always a little worried to see people in person that I've admired for so long in fear that I'll be disappointed, but Lily surpassed even my wildest expectations. She went out of her way to sign our stuff (see the signed record above) and came down the stairs to pose for pictures. She was so kind and gracious...I just adore her.

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