Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Quest for an Address Book

Can someone please tell me why it's so freaking hard to find a simple little address book?!?! Are they extinct? I've gone to at least half a dozen stores this week and no one has them. Wait, I'm wrong - Staples had one little tiny one for $12.99. Um, no. We've already covered that I'm broke and even if I had money, I would never pay that much.

I used to have the perfect one, but it's really old and used up. I tried to switch to online contacts, but it's hard with my Internet down. Finding anyone's address is a major ordeal. Who needs that? I need to spend my days being rejected from jobs, thankyouverymuch. I just don't understand when address books became a thing of the past? I found what said it was an address book at Target, but inside it was separated as "My friends" and then a section for "Family friends" and other stupid categories that didn't help me whatsoever. No, thank you. Oh, and by the way, Target, thank you for reminding me that I'm childless and alone. Fail.

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