Here's the cool sign at the Fox theater in Pomona welcoming our fave guys.

This is a view from the balcony, which was tweeted by the band after the show, and I post to show you where we were. See the microphone stand on the right? Look down and you'll see three heads...that's us!

Now this was our actual view - can you believe it? They were RIGHT there! It was like seeing them for the very first time - I'm so spoiled I may never want to see them any other way. ;)

Our spot, of course, was right between Simon and Nick - who just happened to be right in front of us.

Here's another shot - I wish I could show you how amazing it was via pictures, but it's hard to explain the energy, the excitement, the screaming, the love...my voice is completely gone, I'm beyond exhausted, but the main thing is I'm smiling. Big. Long live, long love Duran Duran. ;)
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