Sunday, April 17, 2011

Janet: Up Close and Personal

This was our group on the way to see Janet Jackson the other night, minus RLP who was our ringleader and doesn't fancy pictures of herself.

RLP was my cheerleading advisor in high school and she's crazy for Janet Jackson - she's seen every tour Janet's ever done.

Here's our group at our delicious Hard Rock Cafe dinner - yum! I put a sneak peek of RLP's eye, but that's as far as I'll go. Otherwise, I fear for my life. ;)

Our seats at Gibson were in the middle section and that entire amphitheater gets a great view. I love it there. The best view, though, was watching RLP dance the night away to all of Janet's #1 tunes. I didn't know she had it in her - I was fascinated.

My fave part of the show was her tribute to her brother, Michael, at the end. I *may* have teared up a little bit.

Another view of the tribute. So sweet! The show was great and Janet looks amazing. She has the perfect figure. Thanks, RLP, for another exciting adventure! :)

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