Monday, April 4, 2011

Do I Have Sucker On My Head?

I'm going to give it to you straight: If you ever see one of those work from home gimmicks that look promising, stay away. Stay far, far away.

After signing up and having high hopes for big money at the minimal intro price of $2.99, I've now been seemingly robbed. The Home Website Center - aka the WORST company on earth - have robbed me blind, stolen my money, and left me here to cry (which I did, a lot). If I had any money to begin with, why would I be giving it to them? It doesn't make any sense. I feel bad for the person who picked up the phone when I called them hysterically, but then again, he does work for those weasels. All I want is my $139 back. This may not seem like a lot, but when you're jobless and at the end of your rope, it feels like a million dollars. Fail.

1 comment:

Angie said...

That happened to me once. I would call and report your card lost so you get a new number. I had 3 months of charges on my card and only had one removed.