Friday, March 25, 2011

Worst. Security. Ever. For. Best. Concert. Ever.

Let's talk about HOW FREAKING INCREDIBLE the Duran Duran show was last night. Seriously, it was amazeballs. I've totally been digging their new album anyway, but hearing the songs live in that intimate setting was really, really cool. The acoustics, the atmosphere, the crowd, the energy - all of it was so, so great.

Plus, I got to share the night with my sister who's the one I started loving DD with in the first place. We're still crazy for them.

The only downfall? These tools. Apparently putting on yellow jackets makes them god-like and incredibly mean and rude.

Let's look at all my pics from last night unzoomed so you can see the show exactly how I saw it. Notice anything distracting?

How about now? They basically blocked my view of Roger and John the ENTIRE show - at least I had a mostly clear view at my true love, Nick.

Yet again, d-bags.

This is during the second part of the LAST song when they decided to really bully us and tell us to move back - despite the fact that we were in the same place the whole time. These are the faces of THE BIGGEST A$$HOLES ON EARTH.

My sister really got into it with them and had to go before she was escorted out. Trust me, they deserved it.

I wish I could've punched him in the face!

Our souvenir photo - we even got a cool poster at the end. Negative energy aside, it was a really fun show and an outstanding performance. Go DD!

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